Thank you to Lilli & Lou Meier for sharing your story, writing this book, acknowledging “The Bookies” and hosting a wonderful event at the Bowen Center for the Arts yesterday. If you haven’t reviewed the book on Amazon, please do so! (It’s easy)
Almost all members were able to attend in person, with a few on Zoom. I am sure all can agree that this book review was so special. It’s great to have the authors members of our book club. (Lou, you are now an honorary member.) The Meier’s told us about their lives in Cuba, how the book came about, how they gathered their story, and all the love they put in to the book. Lou actually got to know Lilli’s father before meeting Lilli. You’ll have to ask Lilli, how that came about!! It was so interesting and entertaining. However, Lou did indicate to us, not to expect a sequel.

For dining entertainment, Lilli and Lou provided a catered box snack from Lazaro’s in Roswell. ( The medianoches, croquettes, plantain chips and dipping sauces were wonderful. We also had Cuba Libres (Free Cuba) – Virgin ones, but still good.
Thank you to Nancy King for setting up, and locking down! Thanks to the Bowen for a wonderful venue.