The BOWEN held its successful Wild Wild West Art Show Opening Reception Friday March 6 beginning at 4pm. Artists and visitors from all over enjoyed western art displays and cowboy music performed by locals “The Pickers.” Their old-timey pioneer music lilted through the Art Center as everyone enjoyed a tremendous art exhibit of 40 artists with over 90 pieces of art. Food and beverages were served and feet tapped to the music.

The well-known artist, Debra Nadelhoffer of Dawsonville, served as judge. She teaches oil and watercolor and has exhibited her work nationally, and has works in private and corporate collections. It was decided three additional awards be added to the venue due to the high quality of works presented. Also, Debra Nadelhoffer chose to donate half of her judge’s fee back to The Bowen whose Director then added to artists’ awards.

Debra awarded the $500 First Prize to Allen Ferg of Dawsonville for his beautifully executed bronze bust of a Native American titled “Courage.” Second Prize of $200 was awarded to James Daniel, Sr. of Dahlonega for his creative pencil illustration “Wild Rams.” Third Place of $100 went to Amanda Lovett of Gainesville for her expressive, well drawn oil painting “Vigorous Ride.” Honorable Mention award of $75 went to the unique composition photograph of Tom Reed of Dawsonville “Cowboy in Purple.” Artistic Merit awards were also presented to Michael Melson of Gainesville who showed beautiful use of paint and drawing skills in “Second Shot at Early Light”, and to Tom Slavicek of Dahlonega for creative artistry for his “Chippewa Suede Beaded Cape.”

The Bowen wishes to thank all those who contributed their time and talent as well as the incredible volunteers who make it work. Also, a special thanks to the performers of the evening – “The Pickers.” These wonderful musicians include Fred Stowers, Glen Smith, Ray “Cowboy” Harris, Mark Kersch and Les Smith. Their dreamy cowboy tunes captured the essence of the Wild Wild West. The Art Exhibit continues through April 18th.



Congratulations to Allen Ferg for first place in this show. The Bowen is happy to have this wonderful sculpture present. The evening was amazing with most folks in western wear and the photo ops available. Everyone enjoyed the show.

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